
He is soooo getting a skate board for Christmas.

This morning Jesse and I went to the Gresham Farmer's Market, which we love, and while we were walking we passed this groovy little shop called Gromshop. Its a shop for kids that like to skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard, anything with a board...you get the idea. Jesse enjoys skateboarding and is starting to get into snowboarding so we wandered in and found this...

Not Charlie, of course, but the cool little tank top. The beanie I knit for him, and I must say that he is quite hip for a 19 day old. I swear this kid is the coolest!

Onto other news...

Jesse's soccer team won their first game against Centennial 2-1. Although he appears to be vertically challenged, that boy can run like the wind and the other boys on the team seem to really like him. His coach called him "tenacious" and said he had a positive attitude that others enjoyed. That's my boy.

The first day of school was both exciting and saddening. I don't think any of us slept very well that night and everyone hopped right out of bed when the alarms went off. I took the day off of work to see them off in the morning and be there when they got home.

Its not the same when they're in junior high and high school, though. They don't want you to take them to school (they do, but they would never admit it and lets face it; it's just not cool). You can't kiss them in front of their friends (I do anyway). And you definatley can not hang out with them. You can, however, pick them up from school, hug them at night, and hang back while they hang out with their friends at the football game.

I've always wondered at what point will they start the transition from boy to man. Is there a defining moment? Or does it happen gradually. It's not like they're going to come to me and say, "the wait is over; I'm a man now." Though that would take some of the guessing out of it.

On Friday, my neighbor and I took 6 boys to the football game at the high school. We sat in the bleachers and watched the game (and our boys) while the kids ran around and the parents caught up. The band began to play and the cheerleaders began to cheer, and then it happened. The moment. The moment. The one I'd been waiting for. The conversation went like this:

Jesse: "What's that?"

Me: "Cheerleader's."

Jesse: "Cheerleaders?!" (wide eyed and grinning)

Me: "Yeah, cheerleaders."

Jesse: "Sweet!"

The phone should start ringing any day now.