
I do believe I'm melting!

A heat advisory? How about a you're-not-doing-anything-but-sweating-this-weekend advisory?

The boys spent most of the weekend at Salishan with their dad, so they were in for a big shock when they got home. The heat and humity and high lows made the house nearly unbearable and the ceiling fans and ocillating fan (that doesn't) offered little reprieve, but alas Uncle Jim came through.

So we spent most of the afternoon swimming and splashing and gettin' dunked. We even did a bit of relaxing.
It's always nice to spend the afternoon haning out with the boys watching them be, well, boys.
Aunt Missy came up with us and cooled her jets on the deck, welcoming the random splash (and there were many).
Mom and Ken came up to barbeque and good times were had by all!

Even cousin Nick got in on the dunk action.

And Jesse got DUNKED!

Thanks, Family!



It all begins with a birthday...

For the past few years I have wanted a digital camera. I didn't want to buy a cheap non-digital, but couldn't afford a digital. So...for my 33rd birthday, my family all pitched in and presented me with this long awaited little piece of joy.

It looks just like this! Isn't it pretty? All I have to do now is figure out out to use it. Well, I know how to press the little button on top and take the picture; I just don't yet know how to make the files smaller than life-size.

So here's to my first post. As soon as I make that deal with the devil, I'll get some super cool pictures up of the boys, and the dog, and the yard, and my toe, and whatever else I can take a picture of.

Peace goes out, Yo!